
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Shake it Up!

Part of my efforts to become healthier is to eat better.  This is uber hard. I have a million and one excuses I like to tell myself on various occasions to avoid eating better, like: I'll just start on Monday, I'll eat this yuckyness now and then eat better for the rest of the day, I can just do some house cleaning to burn off the extra calories etc.... Needless to say all of the excuses never amount to anything.  I don't start Monday, I don't eat better the rest of the day and I for sure don't do extra house work that would come close to burning any calories.

One thing I am getting much better at is making a protein shake.  They are easy and not to shabby in the taste department.  I will usually use almond milk (we can get it at Costco and it is not so expensive) and then some spinach (also a Costco find) I buy the big bag and then fill sandwich bags full of spinach and then freeze them so there is no waste if I can't use the spinach fast enough. This is how I do it:
And then I just put the baggies back in the origional bag and put it in the freezer:

 Then some fruit (frozen or fresh), a scoop of protein powder, and some ice.  I have a super duper blender that does a fabu job of blending it all up.  My kids usually will ask to share my shake with me. 

The pink stuff in the middle is strawberry banana fish oil from Barleeans. I love the stuff and so do my kids. They are always asking for their fish oil. 
So anyway, I am really going to make an effort to continue making better choices of what goes in my mouth.  I know that making small steps forward is always better than making any steps backwards.  I think as soon as I have a good habit down of incorporating my shake on a more daily basis, I can then decide what the next small step will be that I can focus on.  Maybe no white bread, or no eating after 8:00, or even no fast food....ever! We shall just have to see.

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