
Monday, July 2, 2012

Lets just say I didn't gain it all back

The title kinda says it all. I am going to go with the positive and say that I did do 10 days and lost 10lbs.  Not too bad.  I did ease my headaches in the process and give myself a good education on which veggies and fruits make a good juice. 

So, my quest-struggle-fight-desire to loose weight and get healthy continues.  I am pretty sure that I have coded genes that want to stay fat. I really think my body has some sort of desire to keep the chubby on.  I don't know, it's just so frustrating that all the effort in the world doesn't seem make much of a difference. 

I'm going to go back to my origional plan of just small steps to a life of health and less of the junky trunk.  I just have to keep telling myself that this is something I can do. I CAN DO hard things.  Like today, for example; I had a protein shake instead of cereal. I LOVE cereal. So I had it for lunch and dinner.  BUT, one good decision is better than no good decisions. Tomorrow will be a protein shake AND a trip to the gym. Howz that for baby steps. 

So, as I wage my daily war with myself. I will try to keep in mind that many, many more before me have fought this battle, and many more will after me.  So why can I join the ranks of those that won the war (or at least more battles than not).

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