
Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 1

I have been lamenting my health and weight for a long time.  A really long time.  In the past I have been able to jump on a diet, knock it out, loose the weight, and then conclude the diet.  The aftermath is where the problem lies.  It's kinda like watching the news.  They show you breaking news stories and you see what is going on, but then it is over and you never see how it all ends up.  The follow up is the part we think least about, what we focus on the least. The result of this is ending right back a square one. 

I am a victim of my own choices.  I make them and pay the price.  I figure I have paid the price in hundreds of pounds lost and gained.  Yet thru all that, I still end up heavier and heavier than ever.  In the past few months I have really felt the pain of my decisions. Both physically and emotionally.  Yet for some reason, this time I just have not been able to find it in me to do another diet, to get on another band wagon, to cash in on another pill. I guess my experience tells me that I will loose the weight, and then gain it all back again. So why bother. 

Well, here I am close to my heaviest weight. Like 9 lbs away close. The worse part is all my "fat" clothes are not really fitting any more.  So I am faced with a choice: Buy more clothes or loose weight.  I am finally ready to loose the weight.

 I watched the documentry "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" and it spoke to me.  No complicated diet to follow. No counting calories, No pills or drops or pre-packaged foods, No meetings and No excuses.  Just you, your juicer, and LOTS of fruits and veggies. 

Little mister over achiever in the documentry has the time and funds to hang out in New York city for a month then travel across the US for another month. All along the way using his handy juicer in the back of his snazzy rental car.  Little mister does not have 3 kids, foster kids, a spouse, a commitment to church and community and lots of house cleaning to do. I DO! But I was thinking, if I have the strenghthwithin me to run my household, be a good mom and wife and serve in my community, then why can't I find the strength within me to chuck some fruits and veggies in a machine and watch the pounds melt away. Well, I think I can! I can do hard things! As many of you know, loosing weight is HARD!

So, now that this has become somewhat of a book of an entry, I shall bring it all to a close.  I am going to juice my way to health for the next 10 days.  I think I will give it a break and then do it again for another 10 days.  The part I am really going to have to focus on is that time when I am not on the "diet".  That is where I will be tested and pushed to my limits. However, as I mentioned before, I CAN DO HARD THINGS!  And I can do this.


  1. You can do it! Will you juice for every meal?! What you said spoke to me. I might have to join this juice craze..fruits are such great prices...are you using a site to follow? Recipes, etc... or makng it up as you go along?!

  2. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to read tomorrow's post. I will definitely be checking your blog daily.

  3. I know that struggling with weight is hard. When I met and married my husband over 12 years ago I was about 55lbs heavier. For me it took a lifestyle change to keep the weight off so I know how you feel. But you are right, you are a strong woman and you can do hard things. I am rooting for you.

    Kelly H

  4. You can do it, sister! And don't call it a diet-call it a healthy lifestyle enhancement! ;-)
