
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 2

It's not over yet....but, things are going swimmingly! I was a bit hungry yesterday, but that was fixed with extra juice and a nap. Lets be honest, a nap can cure about any ailment. The good news to go along with this is that I am down 3 lbs.  This is not a loss of solid waste, but fat.  No solid waste was lost in the past 24 hrs... Heaven knows I have an excess of fat that my body can feed on for an extended period of time. 

I've thot a lot about how much I really wanted to share in this blog, and I decided that I would put it all out there.  The more open and honest I am, the more accountable I feel.  I guess that sharing more makes it more real and exposed.  More real seems easier to deal with and address.  Make sense? If not, just remember; I have been living off juice for almost two days.... Who knows what will happen in a couple more

So here are the physical issues I have been facing:

      PCOS (Poly cystic ovarian syndrom). That about says it. I have multiple cysts that grow on my ovaries etc.  It is painful, causes a ton of hormone issues and other issues that we don't need to get into here.  I think this is the main reason I have not been able to have kids and have had a very difficult time loosing weight.  You can learn more here.

     Endometriosis: While undergoing surgery to remove one of my cysts, my doctor found some endometriosis.  I even have some lovely pictures to show of it.  Now this causes real pain on a monthly basis.  Also causes fertility issues and messes with hormones.  Go here to learn more about that.

     Hemmoroids: Nuff said. I'm not even going to put a link cuz if you don't know what it is.....just do some of your own reasearch.  Needless to say, constipation is an issue I deal with on a regular basis and the discomfort and pain that goes with the little bobbins on my downstairs are a major source of irritation and pain in my life.

     Headaches: Ohhhhh, the headaches! I wake up almost every morning with a headache.  Let me say that this morning, I did not! I was very happy about that little change in my morning.  I try all kinds of things to help ease the pain: LOTS of pain killers, massage, pressure points, essential oils, water, etc.  I am also very resistant to pain killers and other medications, so I have to pound down tons of pills to get any relief.

     Joint Pain: I have really bad pain in my knees, back, shoulders, and feet. Mainly my knees and feet.  Of course, I am a mom and am walking around, carrying kids, cleaning etc. every day. This does not help things.  The main reason for so much pain is my weight.  My poor knees and feet are just tuckered out carrying around this much weight. 

     Fatigue: I'm too tired to write any more...... No seriously, I am always tired.  For the past 3-4 months I have been naping almost every day.  I can't seem to make it thru the day without a nap.  I am always so tired. Again, see above issues that are adding to my fatigue problem. I know my poor health plays a part in this. 

So, there it is. In all it's glory. Just two months ago I had my physical and the Dr. recommended I get on a program to loose weight, but as mentioned earlier in the blog, that is not so easy for me.  I do feel blessed that I don't have other health issues related to my weight such as high blood pressure, high cholestrol, diabetes, heart disease, etc.  So, I am going to take it back old school. REAL OLD school. Like when folks lived off fruits and veggies cuz there was not always meat to eat. And since I don't want to join the ranks of those who suffered scurvy while going to the old school, I am going to consume LOTS of fruits and veggies and the best way to do so is by juicing them and allowing my body to absorb the nutrients right into the blood stream.

    Now, I know that juicing can be controversial. I know that it can be extreme. I know that people can be very opinionated on such topics.  However, no one seemed to be concerned (or voice concern), or opinionated while I was stuffing my face with toxic sugars, fats, preservitives, and calories.  All of which have done my body a lot of harm.  So, I would ask that as I am making an effort to cleanse all that crap from my body, that I get support and encouragement.  As I have reasearched this topic, I have yet to find an incidence where some one has said "Man, I wish I had never done a cleansing juice fast. It ruined my life". I don't plan to be all crazy about it and I am very aware of how my body is responding.  I am in no way writing this blog as a guidline for others to follow. This is just me, doing my thing, making my way.


  1. Well said. I'm so happy you didn't have a headache this morning! Awesome!!! Congratulations on choosing to be healthy!

  2. Good luck with the juice. I do a detox-juice week now and then, and my body loves it. It's amazing how much nourishment there can be in juice and the feeling of your body being full and not your stomach is amazing!
    Keep on the good work, i just know it will work miracles for your health!

  3. I am so excited for you Marilyn and am also excited to be starting on this myself soon too. I know you will do great. You are an amazing woman who has endured many difficult things and have come out the other side even stronger. I think writing about it and being real with yourself and others is such a healthy way to do it too. I totally agree that people seem to be suddenly very concerned about your diet when you try to make a positive change, but had little to say about the unhealthy choices you made before. I experience this everytime I go vegan (you know I am on and off that kick all the time :) It always amazes me that people have so much to say about why being vegan is dangerous, but if I want to eat McDonalds everyday for the rest of my life, no one is that concerned. It's crazy.

    I'm wishing you the best on this journey and know that I am here to encourage and support you no matter what!

    ~ Jessica
