
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 3

Another day, another 2 lbs.  I feel pretty good! I did not have a headache when I woke up this morning and I had a lot more energy that I usually do.  It felt wonderful to not feel like I need another 4 hours of sleep! I did feel hungry, but it was not so bad.  I feel like I may have not had enough juice tho.  I had to get all the juicing done before chuch and get the kids fed and ready and there just didn't seem to be enough time.  The great thing is that I don't feel like I am at the point of giving up and just digging into a bowl of ice cream.  Usually, when discomfort rears its ugly head, I will hold out for a short amount of time (cus I'm strong like that) but then give in (cuz I'm weak like that).  This would be the behavior of an addict. I am addicted to food and I know it.  So, not feeling like I need to give up is a great place for me to be.

So I decided to not blend my fruits and veggies, but to acually juice them in the juicer.  Yesterday I blended them thinking it was going to be easier and I would get the benefit of the whole fruit or veggie.  Well, after a chat with a friend and doing a bit more reasearch, I decided to go back to juicing.  It does take more time and is more messy, but I do want the benefit of getting the pure juice straight to my blood stream. That would be the simplest way to put it.  Anyway, its all juice for me! Not much more to add, I still look forward to getting on the scale tomorrow to see what good results are in store for me!

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